
Don Bosco Academy has been conceived as an ‘All under one Roof’ place. It is a unique place that offers a variety of courses for people of all ages. On Wednesday 19th June the academy along with the school joined in to welcome and take parents of the Pre-Primary on a tour of the academy. The school was celebrating Father’s Day. It was a joy to welcome the parents and tiny tots into the academy.  The entire team of DB Stellar took turns to take the parents around and explain the facilities and courses that are available to them. We also explained how the academy in an all-inclusive place with something for everyone. The parents listened in awe as we described the details of every course. We distributed pamphlets mentioning all the courses with the academy contact details. It was a good ‘get to meet and know’ session that was well coordinated between the Dominic Savio pre-school and DB Academy. A first of its kind this collaborative activity between both was well received by the parents.  One of the parents in his feedback said that he has never seen such a setup and did not expect it to be within the locality of Seawoods and available to all. This sums up our objective to be One of a Kind.